

Story of my life

"the unsung, UNDERrated, UNDERappreciated the one, them UNDERachievers had UNDERestimated"

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trip to AFRICA

Left the house around 10:59

It began with me trapped inside a car with my aunt and my younger siblings(my idea of cruel and unusual punishment), while my mom and older brother drove in the Lexus. As expected, the constant play that my siblings often composed would battle the endless nagging of my aunt(I swear she always full of hot air) in order to make sure I wouldn't have any sufficient rest before the trip. The most promient thing about my aunt, if you actually knew her, is that Anger and hatred are her bestfriends. My aunt always reminded us of this through her bitter manner of ridicule. When we arrived at the airport my mom fed us some more ridicule; in case we weren't full from the serving we recieved earlier in the car. Later it was sort of diamond in the haystack dilema; I found a popeyes restuarant in the mist of all the other restuarants the airport offered.

After I ate my last american dish for a while I went to my seat and slept till our flight time( It's much easier to sleep on a full stomach). Happiness never lasts long when I'm with my family. When it was time to get on the plane I also got into a conflict over the armrest with my little brother. After we got settled(of course I always win) I relaxed and put my free headphones on. Interesting enough, I was jamming to some spanish music station; I didn't really understand anything but it was still a refreshing atmosphere. As we started to lift off into the air I thought about all the people and things I was leaving behind me in Texas.
I woke up and found out the flight attendants had already served appetizers(HoNiggaShit!!!), so I just decided to watch the movie called 500 days of Summer. It turnt out to be a good movie I guess cause it reminded me of my past experiences(One as recent as 2 months ago). As they began to serve us meals I began to rediscover my dislike for airplane food again. WHY IS IT SO NASTY? Well I aint eat and others did but I don't know why. I slept until turbulence found our plane and gave us an extended holiday greeting (no one can send a card these days). Now awake, I noticed a couple right in front of me poppin' pills, I mean medicine( supicious right).
Bored out my mind I thought it would be useful if I went to sleep again. zzzzzzzz...

Woke up a little late for the movie this time. The movie was The Time Traveler's Wife part 2 which featured the lovely actress, Rachel McAdams. I been a fan of hers since The Notebook and Mean Girls( No homo just being real). I actually ate breakfast this morning on the plane only because they served hashbrowns and eggs( quite american to me). When we arrived it was really cold had to put on my hoody.BURRR!!! Anyways I got another chance to watch the movie. NIce concept behind the movie. It reminded me of my life again not as much as 500 DAYS OF SUMMER though, and later I tried a german hotdog.
( Thunder doesn't strike in the same place twice) It was NASTY!!!
I was still surprised by how many non african americans were on the plane. I guess they must be doing something important cause if they were choosing a place to have fun this wouldn't be my choice.
Once I got off the plane I was entrenched with this funk I've grown accustomed to here in Nigeria. Electricity is the biggest thief over here and it leaves as fast as it comes. Airports and Hotels always have electricity)( 90 % of the time) in an attempt to lure in money from foreign travellers unknown to the conditions of this country. Without the airport and hotels lagos is as much a barren wasteland as all other surrounding parts of Nigeria. Once you arrive it seems you can't escape without a passport as military officials patrol the country like police cops armed with AKs (Safe right?). Well I met my cousins at the airport and they escorted us to a hotel where we ate "Suya"( Nigerian version of Shiscabob)
After that went to sleep and the rest is history.

Sorry after this time I decided to suspend writing about this journey and focus on me.
forgive me any interested readers I grabbed along up to this point.

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About Me

I plan to educate the galaxy, lecturing to the classes graduating after me, by tending to my principles(principals) and disregarding all faculty, I'm displaced in reality, embracing originality, taking humanity to the doorsteps of insanity...